Tuesday, February 17, 2015


So, my father died a couple days ago and left me with a huge inheritance but I am annoyed because all these people (read: men) are swarming me trying to get to know me better now that I am rich. I don't want to talk to you. MY DAD JUST DIED. But honestly, I am not really that upset about his death since we weren't close. He always wanted a son who would take over the company and he got was a daughter who was too busy following her dreams to care about the family company.

People are so surprised by the fact that I am not all torn up about his death that they have taken to calling me ‘Lady Happy.’ They think they are being funny but I actually really like the name. It suits me. I am a generally positive person and love being around other people (except when the people are men who just want to marry me for my money) so why not Lady Happy? WELL it’s going to be my online alias now so from here on forth, you can all just refer to me as Lady Happy.

HI, my name is Lady Happy and I am here (here being the internet/blogging world/whatever you want it to be) to take over the world. Except not really, I just needed a space that couldn’t be infiltrated by all the people in my life who are trying to get me to do things I don’t want to. Let’s not get too sad though. I AM HERE NOW and ready to roll.

Until next time my lovelies.

Also: if you decide to follow me, just be prepared because shit is going to go down.