Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Happy Endings

Prince found my blog. I don’t know how she did it but she found my blog and read last week's post (and might be reading this too). SHE CAME TO MY ROOM TO TELL ME SHE LOVED ME TOO. It was an awkward conversation to have though because she saw how much I was struggling to understand my feelings so she suggested we take it slow.

It’s been a great couple of weeks, to be honest. Prince is the kind of person I grew up wanting to end up with, the Prince to my princess fairy tale. I guess I finally got the ending I always wanted, but not in the way I had imagined I would get it.

Love does not cure all but I have decided that I am ready to join the real world again. The convent has let me heal and realize that I cannot be angry at the world forever. Let’s be real, men suck but shutting myself inside a building won’t stop them from being awful human beings. We have got to do something about it.

This doesn’t mean that the convent will be no more though or the company will go back to being co-ed. I might be ready to come out (literally and figuratively ;)) but I know that many of the women who decided to join me in my safe space, are not. So the doors of the convent are still open if you’re interested in hanging out and ranting about how men are the worst and need to stop. Shoot an email over at notarealconvent (at) gmail (com)

I probably won’t be updating the blog as much anymore because I imagine my life is going to get real busy. I did want to take a moment to thank all of you followers for being amazing and supporting me through everything. I am so glad I could meet you all and hope we’ll get many opportunities to interact beyond this blog.

*blows kisses*