Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Happy Endings

Prince found my blog. I don’t know how she did it but she found my blog and read last week's post (and might be reading this too). SHE CAME TO MY ROOM TO TELL ME SHE LOVED ME TOO. It was an awkward conversation to have though because she saw how much I was struggling to understand my feelings so she suggested we take it slow.

It’s been a great couple of weeks, to be honest. Prince is the kind of person I grew up wanting to end up with, the Prince to my princess fairy tale. I guess I finally got the ending I always wanted, but not in the way I had imagined I would get it.

Love does not cure all but I have decided that I am ready to join the real world again. The convent has let me heal and realize that I cannot be angry at the world forever. Let’s be real, men suck but shutting myself inside a building won’t stop them from being awful human beings. We have got to do something about it.

This doesn’t mean that the convent will be no more though or the company will go back to being co-ed. I might be ready to come out (literally and figuratively ;)) but I know that many of the women who decided to join me in my safe space, are not. So the doors of the convent are still open if you’re interested in hanging out and ranting about how men are the worst and need to stop. Shoot an email over at notarealconvent (at) gmail (com)

I probably won’t be updating the blog as much anymore because I imagine my life is going to get real busy. I did want to take a moment to thank all of you followers for being amazing and supporting me through everything. I am so glad I could meet you all and hope we’ll get many opportunities to interact beyond this blog.

*blows kisses*

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

In Love

I am pretty sure like 2/3rds of you guys saw it coming (SINCE YOU KEPT COMING UP WITH SHIP NAMES ON my posts) but I think I might be in love with Prince.

She is literally the biggest flirt in the world. The other day, she comes up and says “I desire you would be my Mistress, and I your servant, and upon this agreement of friendship I desire you will let me act the part of your loving servant.” At first what she was asking flew completely over my head and then she leaned in and I leaned in and then we kissed and there were fireworks. It was everything I ever wanted but at the same time I don’t understand.

I guess I never questioned my own sexuality. Society assumes everyone is straight and I guess, I made that assumption about myself. Ha. How did we get here? From me talking about how men suck to me talking about how I really don’t understand myself any more because of my Prince.

I grew up wanting to be a princess and maybe my prince isn’t really an actual prince but someone who I lovingly refer to as prince. But is it possible to love a woman the same way I would a man? I mean, I know it is because I am feeling those emotions but even though I am angry with the men, somewhere deep inside, I assumed that I would end up with one. Meeting Prince has changed me though and has made me question everything I know about myself. She is everything I could ever want.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

To The Theatre

For starters, I wanted to thank you all for your kind words on my last post. I appreciate your support SO MUCH. We have been so stressed  lately we decided we were going to unwind by performing little plays for ourselves. Okay so it was mostly other people performing little skits for the Prince and I but it was still awesome. Bless Amazon prime for their 1 day delivery within cities though because otherwise, it would have been hard to put together the plays.

My favorite part was when Prince and I got to join the skits that were being done and played the Shepherd and Shepherdess. Getting to take part reminded me of my dreams of becoming an actress but honestly, Prince won the show. I was practically swooning as she said her lines.

It’s so weird to think about how much I’ve changed. I wanted to be an actress once upon a time and now I run a convent that is based in the headquarters of my father’s company. He’s probably rolling in his grave at the thought of his company being run by a bunch of women. I am sorry dad, that’s just how things are. Sometimes girls just gotta be girls.

Friday, April 3, 2015

A Fire + Men Making Threats

Last night was SO TERRIFYING. A bunch of men showed up and started protesting outside of the company headquarters and demanded that we come out and that I start hiring men again. I am still shaken up. They were there for a couple hours and argued back and forth until they finally went away. I actually called the police but they did nothing. They thought we were asking for it by choosing not to come out and that it was high time we grew up.

Why is it that no one can take my decisions seriously? Is it too much to ask for that they respect the fact that I don’t want to come out?

This didn’t start off as being as drastic as it turned, one guy jokingly asked if there was nothing they could do to get us out of our ‘convent.’ Someone responded by saying that the only thing that could be done would be to set the building aflame and then more men started gathering and agreeing with this person. The only reason they didn’t go through with this was because Prince was in the building with us. Her father is a powerful man and if he anything happened to his daughter, that could mean war between our countries.

A couple hours after the crowd left, some men came back dressed as ‘women’ (like that’s a thing) in an attempt for us to let them in. It was so insincere and so awful. We just need our space because no one lets us have it. If we decide we are done with men, they threaten us with marriage and threaten our lives because they cannot stand the idea of us having our own space or the idea that we might not need them.

Anyway, I am going to stop now. I am just really shaken. Prince was great though last night and did a great job taking care of me. I am so lucky to have her.

Monday, March 23, 2015

A Prince

When I made the decision to turn the company headquarters into a place run completely by women as well as a safe haven for women. I thought it would gain some attention but never as much as it ended up getting. It’s not just women who refuse to marry and be bound down by the powers that be, there are POWERFUL women showing up on my doorstep.

Of course, I sound super obnoxious saying that but yesterday A PRINCE SHOWED UP. Okay, so she isn’t actually a prince but she is going to inherit her father’s oil kingdom and that makes her a prince in my book.

AHHHH. She is so PRETTY and I am so happy that she is here. Can you tell I am excited? CAN YOU? I just have a lot of feelings okay. 

I am kind of hoping that having someone so important reject her princely duties will solidify the convent in the eyes of everyone. People still keep thinking that we are going to come out and that settling us down with a husband would set our heads straight but it doesn’t work that way.

We are tired of the way society continues to use us like animals for breeding and not much else. Why is it that I cannot be taken seriously but all the men who sit around and do nothing can? It isn’t fair. But we have a prince now and having her with us is going to make everything better.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Holy Shit

I’ve been getting SO MANY emails since my last post. It seems a lot of you like the idea of a company that’s run just by women. I kind of like referring to it as the Convent in my mind, since most of us don’t even leave the company anymore (the company has always had employer’s housing so now everyone can just live there and NEVER have to deal with men again). What is there in the public world that should invite me to life in it? Nothing if we are being honest. With my convent, I can finally be free of men. Men are, after all, the only troublers of women. They cause our pains, they want our money, all they do is want but never give (besides all the pain.) So why should we have to put up with them?

The other day, a lady, who I am going to refer to as Lady Mediator for the purposes of this blog, came to try to talk me out of this and tried to remind me that men are actually not the worst. I guess we know who is on our side and who is not. She seems to be so surprised that one woman, let alone several would be interested in quitting the company of men. I don’t know what her experiences have been but let’s just say when you’ve been pushed around your whole life by a man (aka my father) who didn’t want you to follow my dreams, and then pushed around by more men once he died (aka his lawyers and board of advisors), men really don’t hold that much appeal.

We just want our own space, is that too much to ask for? Well men, it was nice knowing you (and if you start spouting the #notallmen bullshit, I am going to have to ask you to put on your big girl panties and deal with it.) If any of you are interested in joining the lot of us who have made my father’s company's headquarters their new home, feel free to shoot me an email!

Friday, March 6, 2015

I did a thing...

The past couple weeks have been rough. I’ve been adjusting to life as an heiress which mostly consists of ugly men asking me to marry them. Of course I am not going to marry you, you baffoon. I know you just want my money. It’s also weird because I am expected to run a company I know nothing about.

So I did a thing…  I fired all the men from the company and am currently in the process of hiring women to replace all the men I just fired. People are not happy and have been calling me names in the media. Apparently, they think I am insane and don't understand why I wouldn't want men in the company since men are so much more competent than women. Maybe it was a hasty decision to kick all the men out of the company but it seems like people are more worried about how the company would function without the men than they are about what having an all women staff could do. They all expect the company to go down in flames but really, quitting the company of men is the best thing that could have happened to this company.

Sidenote: I am probably going to continue being this vague about the actual specifics because I wouldn’t want the media finding my blog and making a big deal about this too. Let's be real, the media is prone to hysterics and makes a big deal out of everything. If you are reading this though and kind of want to come join the company, shoot me an email at ladyhappytakesontheworld (at) gmail (dot) com

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


So, my father died a couple days ago and left me with a huge inheritance but I am annoyed because all these people (read: men) are swarming me trying to get to know me better now that I am rich. I don't want to talk to you. MY DAD JUST DIED. But honestly, I am not really that upset about his death since we weren't close. He always wanted a son who would take over the company and he got was a daughter who was too busy following her dreams to care about the family company.

People are so surprised by the fact that I am not all torn up about his death that they have taken to calling me ‘Lady Happy.’ They think they are being funny but I actually really like the name. It suits me. I am a generally positive person and love being around other people (except when the people are men who just want to marry me for my money) so why not Lady Happy? WELL it’s going to be my online alias now so from here on forth, you can all just refer to me as Lady Happy.

HI, my name is Lady Happy and I am here (here being the internet/blogging world/whatever you want it to be) to take over the world. Except not really, I just needed a space that couldn’t be infiltrated by all the people in my life who are trying to get me to do things I don’t want to. Let’s not get too sad though. I AM HERE NOW and ready to roll.

Until next time my lovelies.

Also: if you decide to follow me, just be prepared because shit is going to go down.